Late Summer Landscape Maintenance Tips

Late summer is a critical time to prepare your property for the cooler months ahead. Here are a few key maintenance tips.

Preparing for the Changing Seasons

As summer winds down and the days start to shorten, your yard requires a bit of extra attention to ensure it remains healthy and vibrant. Late summer is a critical time to prepare your garden and lawn for the cooler months ahead. Below is a comprehensive checklist to help you maintain your yard during this period, ensuring it stays lush and ready for the changing seasons.

Lawn Care

  1. Mow Regularly: Keep mowing your lawn, but raise the mower blade to leave the grass slightly longer. This helps shade the soil, reducing evaporation and encouraging deeper root growth.
  2. Water Deeply: Water your lawn early in the morning to reduce evaporation and ensure it receives enough moisture. Aim for deep watering, about 1 to 1.5 inches per week.
  3. Weed Control: Continue to pull or treat weeds before they set seeds. This will prevent them from spreading and taking over your lawn.
  4. Aeration: Consider aerating your lawn if it feels compacted. This will allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots more effectively.
  5. Overseed: If your lawn has bare or thin spots, late summer is a good time to overseed. The warm soil helps grass seed germinate quickly, filling in those gaps.

Garden Beds

  1. Deadhead Flowers: Remove spent blooms from annuals and perennials to encourage new growth and prolong the blooming season.
  2. Prune Shrubs and Trees: Lightly prune shrubs and trees to remove dead or diseased branches and shape them as needed.
  3. Mulch: Refresh the mulch in your garden beds to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. But don’t use too much mulch! A 2-3 inch layer is usually sufficient.
  4. Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer to your flower beds to give plants a nutrient boost before the growing season ends.
  5. Pest Control: Keep an eye out for pests and treat infestations promptly to prevent damage to your plants.

Trees and Shrubs

  1. Check for Disease: Inspect trees and shrubs for signs of disease or insect damage. Treat issues early to prevent them from spreading.
  2. Deep Watering: Give your trees and shrubs a deep watering, especially if the weather has been dry. This helps them store moisture for the winter months.
  3. Protect Young Trees: If you have young trees, consider wrapping their trunks to protect them from sunscald and pests.

General Property Checks and Maintenance

  1. Clean Gutters: Clear out any debris from gutters and downspouts to prevent water buildup and potential damage to your home’s foundation.
  2. Inspect Irrigation Systems: Check your irrigation system for leaks or clogs and make any necessary repairs.


Late summer is a time of transition, and by following these tips, you can ensure your yard remains healthy and prepared for the upcoming fall and winter. While a few of these tasks can be done as “DIY” projects, some are better left to experienced professionals. Shorb can help you with regular expert maintenance to not only keep your yard looking its best but also set the stage for a strong start next spring. Contact us today to learn more about our regular maintenance services.