LCA Grand Award for Residence in Bethesda

Landscape Contractors Association AwardsWhen the clients moved into this home, it had a very bland, builder-grade landscaping.  They wanted to create a more gracious entry and welcoming approach to the house while still retaining the expansiveness of the lawn.  While they had good screening in the rear, they needed additional evergreen screening along the left side of the front yard.  In the backyard, they wanted to create a larger area for entertaining as well as relaxing with the family.   Although the pool was existing, the paving around the pool was in bad shape and needed to be completely replaced.  To get respite from the sun, the project also included a generous pergola with a shade cloth.  Numerous pots with colorful annuals add seasonal interest and more robust plantings throughout were better suited to the scale of the house.

The builder-grade landscaping and existing drainage conditions needed a complete overhaul.  There were significant grading and compacted sub-soil/perched water table issues in the rear which necessitated stormwater management solutions.  The demolition and reconstruction of the pool deck allowed for better grading and the construction of retaining walls in front and back helped divert water away from the house.  A lot of our initial demolition work took place during the winter months which was not easy on the workers.

Photography by Melissa Clark Photography.