Centennial Village at Catholic University

Turning a Problem Area into a Functional Asset

Centennial Village is a cluster of dorms surrounding a courtyard in the middle of the Catholic University campus. The goal of this ambitious project was to update the space, create more usable and inviting areas for students and to address major drainage concerns. Prior to the major renovation, students were not really using the space but just passing through. The new areas create much more inviting spaces for students and staff to gather, to sit quietly and read a book, or socialize with their friends.

The centerpiece fountain and small amphitheater allows for larger gatherings sponsored by the University and the multi-purpose court is a great place for a pick-up game. Our work involved complete demolition and regrading of the courtyard; installing drainage and bio-retention areas; installing a multi-purpose court for sports; constructing walkways, walls, curbs and a fountain; and planting throughout.

The whole area did not drain well. Part of our work was to demolish and regrade, and then install underdrains to channel water. We had to remove over 4,000 cubic yards of soil. In addition, we installed bio-retention cells to capture and filter water and direct to the river. All this work had to be implemented while classes were is session and students went about their daily business. With large equipment on site and lots of earth moving, safety was of utmost importance during the whole duration of the project.

Photography by Melissa Clark Photography.