While the cooler temperatures of fall can provide relief from the heat of summer, there are still some pests you might encounter on your lawn and in your gardens.  Here are the most common fall pests and what to look for:

Slugs and Snails

The best way to tell if you have slugs and snails in your garden is to look for trails of slime.  These fall pests feed on the leaves of mature plants and will make young seedlings disappear overnight.  They prefer fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants and young seedlings.  Sixty percent of their eggs are laid during the fall season

Fall Webworms

If you notice caterpillars gathering at the ends of branches or webbing that surrounds the tip of the branches on your trees, then it is likely that you have webworms.  While it is unlikely for them to defoliate a large tree, small trees, and young trees can both be at risk for this.  They will feed on just about any type of tree with the exception of conifers.  Their favorites include elm, oak, mulberry, willow, and fruit trees.

Lawn Grubs

The best indication that you might have lawn grubs is if you notice brown spots on your lawn.  Grubs can also attract birds and small animals such as skunks and raccoons to your lawn.  Grubs feed on the roots of grass.  So if you do notice brown spots, pull the brown grass up.  If it comes out easily with no roots, then you probably do have grubs.

There are a number of ways to combat unwanted fall pests.  A knowledgeable landscaping business, such as Shorb Landscaping, can provide information on eco-friendly ways to get rid of them.  Or, if needed the best chemical solutions to use.  At Shorb Landscaping, our professional landscapers and designers can help keep your lawn and gardens healthy and pest-free throughout the season.  You can call us at 301-897-3503.